A 150 foot separation from power lines of this type is required - CCR Title 5, Section 14010(c). The separation is measured from the "edge of the school site, joint use facility, or area regularly accessible to students" to the edge of the power line right-of-way (not the wires or towers). CUSD staff are certainly aware of this requirement since they did not purchase the land in the area of the required setback.
Nevertheless, this photo clearly illustrates that the athletic field has been extended on to the private property adjacent to the power lines and the school perimeter fence and landscaping are well beyond the property line. I have personally confirmed the status of this private property in a conversation with the owner.
There is a procedure under which the CUSD Trustees could have requested that the State Superintendent of Instruction issue an exemption from the required setback. CUSD is certainly aware of this procedure since they used it to gain an exemption from setback requirements for a smaller 138,000 volt power line on the southern edge of the campus. However, no request was ever made for this larger line and no exemption was ever issued.
Incidentally, these exemptions are not normally granted by the state Superintendent for a new school site. This may explain how the current circumstances came to exist.
During the past school year, students and staff conducted PE activities in this area. The field is routinely used for soccer and football practice. This appears to be a willful and flagrant violation of the law.
Will CUSD continue to use of this area in the coming school year? How many areas of this school campus will have to be closed and made off-limits before it is brought into compliance with the law? How much of the school will remain usable afterward?
1 comment:
to bad those power lines havent had any power in them for years.
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